Chocolate Coin Bags

Belgian milk chocolate coin in a one-pound resealable zipper pouch for any holiday, event or special occasion. Eighty (80) large 1.5″ coins in each pouch featuring an assortment of unique, fun designs for whatever it is you’re celebrating. These make terrific gifts for family, friends, co-workers, holiday parties, or anyone you want to make feel special. What’s your story? Tell it sweetly with scrumptious chocolate coins from Foiled Again!

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  • Pirate Chocolate Doubloons

    pirate chocolate coins
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  • Hanukkah Chocolate Coins “Gelty Pleasures”

    Hanukkah chocolate coins
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  • Diwali Chocolate Coins

    Diwali chocolate coin bags
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  • St. Nicholas Day Chocolate Coins

    st nicholas day chocolate coins
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  • Christmas Chocolate Coins

    Christmas chocolate coins
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  • Bitcoin Chocolate Coins

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  • 2025 Lunar Year of the Snake Chocolate Coins

    2025 Year of the Snake Lunar New Year chocolate coins
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  • Wedding Favor Chocolate Coins

    wedding favor chocolate coins
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  • Chocolate Casino Chips

    chocolate casino chips
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  • Ramadan Chocolate Coins

    ramadan chocolate coins
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  • Thank You Chocolate Coins

    thank you chocolate coins
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  • St. Patrick’s Day Chocolate Coins

    st Patricks day chocolate coins
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  • Halloween Chocolate Coins “Tricked Out Treats”

    halloween chocolate coins
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